Hon. Mr. Sebastian L. Anefal
Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs

September 2003 to Present - Secretary of the Department of Foreign Affairs, FSM National Government
January 1998 to 2003 - Secretary of the Department of Economic Affairs, FSM National Government
October 1995 to 1998 - Secretary of the Department of Resources & Development, FSM National Government
1992 to Present - Chief of Gilman (Municipality), State of Yap. Oversee the customs and traditional affairs of the people of Gilman.
Jan. 1991 - Jan. 1995 - Special Consultant to the Governor of Yap State. Advise and assist the Governor on Economic Development issues.
- Director, Office of Planning & Budget, State of Yap. Directly responsible to the Governor of Yap. In charge of all planning and budgetary matters concerning the State of Yap, and the implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the State five Year Development Plan.
Oct. 1988 - June 1991 - Director, Department of Resources and Development, State of Yap. Directly responsible to the Governor of Yap State. Supervised Chiefs of the Division of Agriculture and Forestry, Commerce and Industries, Manpower Development and Employment Services, Marine Resources Management, and Land Resources. Administered and oversaw all economic development projects and programs for the State as implemented by each of the divisions or concerned agencies.
July 1987 - Sept. 1988 - Director, Department of Public Affairs, State of Yap. Directly responsible to the Governor of Yap and responsible for providing direction, guidance and supervision in discharging the functions of the Department as mandated by law. Assisted in amending the law to abolish the Department, but created in its place the Department of Youth & Civic Affairs.
Dec. 1982 - July 1987 - Management & Support Administrator, Department of Education, State of Yap. Report directly to the Director of the Department. Responsible with providing directions, guidance, administrative and support services, coordination of the support service programs to ensure efficient and effective delivery of services for the operations of public schools in the State of Yap. Direct supervision and responsibility over programs and eight key personnel in the Division.
July 1982 - Sept. 1982 - ECIA Chapter I Coordinator, Department of Education, State of Yap. Responsible for the overall administration, activities, coordination, review and analyze project applications for financial assistance, recommendations and evaluate progress and achievement of the program.
March 1982 - Aug. 1982 - Convention Secretary, Yap Constitutional Convention, State of Yap.
Jan. 1982 - June 1982 - Public Information Program Coordination, Office of the Plebiscite Commissioner, State of Yap.
Aug. 1982 - Dec. 1982 - Chief, Community Outreach, Department of Education, State of Yap.
April 1980 - March 1982 - Chief, Federal Programs, Department of Education, State of Yap.
Feb. 1975 - April 1980 - Classroom Instructor in Social Studies, Department of Education.
1972 - 1974 - Assistant Dorm Manager, Eastern Oregon State College, Oregon
Summer 1970 - Radio Announcer/Reporter, WSZA Radio Station, State of Yap.
1990 - Present - Member, Board of Directors, Micronesia Longline Fishing Company (MLFC), Member, Board of Directors, FSM Development Bank, Chairman, Board of National Fisheries Corporation
1990 - 1995 - Vice-Chairman, Board of Directors, Yap Economic Development Authority, Member, Board of Directors, Yap Cooperative Association, President, Yap Fishing Corporation (YFC), Vice President, Yap Purse Seiners Corporation
1989 - 1995 - Chairman, Board of Governors, Pacific Island Development Bank
1989 - 1995 - Member, Board of Directors, Micronesia Maritime Authority (MMA)
1984 - 1993 - Member, COM Board of Regents
1985 - 1987 - Member, EPA Board (TTPI/FSM)
February 1983 - Member, Old Age Program Adv. Board
March 25, 1981 - Chairman, UN Day Committee
1980 - Chairman, ESEA Title IV State Adv. Council, TTPI
Summer 1980 - Yap SPEA Coord., Festival of Arts, Papua New Guinea
1976 - Member, National Disaster Control Board
1975 - Vice Chairman, Tourist Commission
1974 - Secretary, Education for Self-Governmental Task Force
Academic Training
Fall 1980 - Oregon State University
Summer 1979 - Oregon State University
Summer 1977 - M.A. in progress, Secondary Education, University of Hawaii
Summer 1976 - Education Methods, Oregon College of Education
Summer 1975 - Vocational Education, Micronesian Occupational College (MOC), Republic of Palau
1972 - 1974 - B.S. in Sociology (General Studies), Eastern Oregon State University, La Grande, Oregon
1970 - 1972 - Political Science, University of Guam, Agana, Guam
1969 - 1970 - Diploma, Sherwood High School, Oregon
1964 - 1969 - Yap High School, State of Yap
1958 - 1964 - Diploma, Gilman Elementary School, State of Yap
Summer 1972 - Full Scholarship in Social Sciences, Trust Territory
1969 - 1972 - Won American Field Service (AFA) Scholarship to complete senior year in U.S. Mainlan High School
Summer 1978 - UNESCO-sponsored Fellowship in Ethnic Heritage to the Gilbert Island
Editorships and Publications
1979 - 1980 - Editor of Kakrom, a cultural-oriented magazine developed with high school students. Published three issues in English and Yapese.
1980 - Editor-Designer of South Pacific Festival of Arts Emblem and related designs. Editor of Social Studies Curriculum Guide and related instructional materials published for Elementary Social Studies Curriculum. Co-editor of Tabinaw Rodad, a grade one level text book for Social Studies instruction.
Native Speaker: Yapese
Communicative Ability: English, Palauan, Ulithian
Reading Ability: English & Palauan
Other Studied: Latin, Japanese
Hobbies: Spearfishing, Hunting, Sailing, Guitar-playing, Photography
DOB: January 21, 1952
Place: Gurur, Gilman, State of Yap
Married: Marita Phillip
Children: Five (three daughters & two sons)