Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

A Proposed Law to Exempt Certain Projects from Public Bidding

PALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM Information Service): September 21, 1997 - FSM President Jacob Nena, on October 17, 1997, transmitted to Congress for its favorable consideration proposed legislation that would allow an exemption from the public bidding requirement where it is obvious that there can and will be one bidder.

Nena used Pohnpei Transportation Authority (PTA) as an example. PTA is the only entity on Pohnpei with the ability to make asphalt and to pave roads with asphalt.

"It makes no sense," Nena stated, "to endure the delay of public bidding where it is obvious in advance that there can be only one bidder."

Although, details regarding a new sole source exemption can be handled through amendment of the FSM Financial Management Regulations, Nena stated, creating this or any exemption must be done by enacting a law or statute.