Government of the Federated States of Micronesia

Hon. Mr. Nick L. Andon
Secretary, Department of Finance and Administration

Hon. Nick L. Andon

September 24, 2003 - Present - Secretary, Department of Finance and Administration, FSM National Government

August 2000 - September 2003 - State Manager, FSM Telecommunications, Chuuk Station - Responsible for the management of the operation of the FSM Telecommunications Office in Chuuk State. These responsibilities include the supervision of employees, safeguarding and protection of the Corporation's properties and assets, and ensuring the delivery of communication services to the people of Chuuk State on the most effective and efficient manner.

October 1998 - August 2000 - Director of Treasury, Chuuk State Government - Responsible for the management of the financial resources of Chuuk State. Ensure that the financial resources of the State are properly utilized and accounted for in accordance with State laws and other applicable laws.

May 1997 - October 1998 - Director of Budget, Chuuk State Government, Chuuk State Government - Responsible for the development of the annual budget for Chuuk State. Monitor the implementation of the budget to ensure compliances to State laws. Advise the Governor and the State Legislature on all budgetary matters.

May 1990 - May 1997 - Administrator, Division of Grants Management, FSM National Government - Responsible for the coordination of all grants including US federal grants and other financial assistance from other foreign countries and International organizations. Monitored the utilization of these grants to ensure their compliance with the appropriate laws, policies and regulations.

July 1984 - May 1990 - Director of Budget, Chuuk State Government - Responsible for the development of the annual budget for Chuuk State. Monitored the implementation of the annual budget to ensure its compliances. Advised the Governor and the State Legislature on all budgetary matters.

1983 - 1984 - Management Analysis, Budget Office, FSM National Government - Review the activities and performance of the departments, offices and agencies of the FSM National Government and recommended changes or improvements. Assisted in the development of the annual budget of the National Government.

March 1981 - 1983 - Aging Program Coordinator, Aging Office, FSM National Government - Assisted in the establishment of the Office of Aging at the National Government. Responsible for the coordination of all aging programs in the FSM. Advise the Secretary of Health, Education and Welfare on matters pertaining to the aging programs. Review funding proposals before submission to the US Grant or Agencies.

March 1980 - March 1981 - Program Developer, Office of Aging, TTPI, Saipan - Assisted in the coordination of all aging programs in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Assisted in the development of programs and arranged for training and technical assistance. Reviewed funding and recommended approval or disapproval to the Aging Program Administrator.

March 1977 - May 1978 - Coordinator, Territorial Economic Opportunity Office, TTPI, Saipan - Responsible for the coordination of all activities of the Community Action Agencies throughout the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands. Reviewed the proposals for funding before their submission to the Grantor agency.

Educational Background

January 1997 - March 1980 - United State International University (USIU), San Diego, California
Type of Degree: Master in Science in Management and Organizational Development
Major Subjects: Business Management, Managerial Accounting, Organizational Development, management by objectives, etc.

September 1975 - December 1976 - San Diego State University
Type of Degree: Bachelor of Arts in Recreation Administration
Major Subjects: Sociology, Psychology, Recreation Administration, Field Work, Personnel Management

September 1973 - June 1975 - Grossmont College, El Cajon, California
Type of Degree: Associate in Arts in General Studies
Major Subjects: English, Math, Psychology, Physical Education, Biology

September 1972 - June 1973 - University of Guam, Guam
Accomplishment: Completed 15 Semester Units
Major Subjects: English, math, history, science

September 1968 - June 1972 - Truk High School, Moen, Truk
Accomplishment: Diploma
Major Subjects: English, Math, Social Studies, Science

Membership (Boards and Commission):

  1. Board of Directors, Chuuk Public Utility Corporation (CPUC)
    Position: Chairman of the Board
    Date: 1997 - 2001

  2. Chuuk State Financial Control Commission (CFCC)
    Position: Chairman
    Date: July 2002 - February 2003

  3. Chuuk State Health Care Plan (CSHCP)
    Position: Chairman, Board of Trustees
    Date: September 2001 - Present

  4. Board of Directors, Bank of the FSM
    Position: Secretary
    Date: May 1999 - Present


DOB: December 14, 1952

Place: Kuttu, Mortlocks, State of Chuuk

Married: Marpellina Dereas

Children: Two