New York, September 23, 1999
Check Against Delivery
MR. PRESIDENT, Mr. Secretary-General, Heads of States and
Governments, Excellencies, ladies and gentlemen:
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate you, Dr.
Gurirab on your assumption of the office of President of this august
body. My Government hails the selection of a distinguished leader
from a new developing nation to lead the General Assembly into the
new millenium. We are also confident that you will live up to the
high standards of your esteemed predecessor, Mr. Opertti.
Mr. President,
It is with pride that I congratulate and extend welcome to our
Pacific Island neighbors, the Republic of Kiribati, the Republic of
Nauru and the Great Kingdom of Tonga to the United Nations Family.
This represents a large contribution from our region to the
attainment of a key goal of the United Nations system, that of
Mr. President,
I want to extend the sincere condolences of the people of the
Federated States of Micronesia to the families and victims of
earthquakes in Turkey, Greece, and only yesterday, in Taiwan. We are
saddened by the violence in East Timor as its people seek to exercise
their right to self-determination. We also feel deep sympathy for the
innocent families in Russia, exposed to merciless bomb attacks, and
for those in all regions of the world who are suffering today from
violence, terrorism and violations of human rights. Condolences are
also to be expressed on the recent death of His Majesty, Hassan II,
of Morocco. His strong personal contributions to the process of
achieving peace in the Middle East will be remembered.
Mr. President,
As Chairman of the South Pacific Forum, I am privileged to deliver
the following remarks on behalf of its sixteen member countries.
The South Pacific Forum is a unique organization centered around the
Heads of Government of sixteen Pacific nations which share a very
special part of the world - the vast expanses of ocean and islands in
the central and western Pacific, both north and south of the Equator.
Forum member countries vary greatly in land area, ocean area,
population, resource endowment, economic development, social
structures, language and culture. However, we all share a common bond
as Forum members and have established consensus positions, which
transcend our diversity, on a wide range of issues. We have also
agreed to work together in pursuit of regional stability and towards
the well-being of our people.
Fourteen of the Forum members are small island developing states.
Much work has been done to assist these smaller members in their
pursuit of sustainable development. Such initiatives are reflected in
proposals for extensive economic reforms by the Forum Economic
Ministers. Recently, Forum Trade Ministers have made ground-breaking
recommendations on trade initiatives, which include the establishment
of a Pacific Free Trade Area, consistent with the rules and standards
of the World Trade Organization. These recommendations will be
considered by the Forum Heads of Government at their annual meeting
in Palau, next month.
In past practice, the formal statement from each annual meeting,
known as the Forum Communiqué, was offered for inclusion as a
document of the General Assembly. As the meeting this year takes
place after the conclusion of the General Debate, a request for
inclusion of the Forum Communiqué from Palau will be made at a
later date.
Mr. President,
Last year at their meeting in Pohnpei, Federated States of
Micronesia, all sixteen Forum Leaders reaffirmed their endorsement of
the Barbados Programme of Action for the Sustainable Development of
Small Island Developing States. The leaders saw the Programme of
Action as a comprehensive framework with great potential for the
region, and commended implementation efforts already underway at the
national and regional levels.
In this regard, Forum Leaders strongly supported the General Assembly
initiative to hold, next week, the Special Session that will review
progress under the Barbados Programme of Action. Forum Countries have
maintained close involvement with the preparatory process for this
Special Session, and have appreciated the strong focus on the
concerns of small island developing states in the work of United
Nations bodies such as the Commission on Sustainable Development. We
look for outcomes from the Special Session that will bring an even
stronger focus to our needs in the pursuit of sustainable
development, and step up the pace of measures to implement the
Barbados Programme of Action.
The common need for accelerated, and sustainable economic development
remains a major focus among the Forum member countries, and in fact,
the Forum itself has for some time, been implementing what is known
as the Forum Economic Action Plan. The Plan attempts to address
regional concerns, which are echoed in the Barbados Programme of
Action. Forum members feel that the advancement of this collective
regional Plan, is a constructive response to the mandates for
regional action expressed in the Barbados Programme.
Mr. President,
In the context of overall economic development planning and
assistance, together with protecting social and ecological concerns,
Forum Members continue to maintain a keen interest in having the
United Nations adopt a Vulnerability Index. The existing criteria for
determining eligibility for concessional aid, trade treatment, and
critical classifications such as Least Developed Country status are
purely macroeconomic without any consideration for the environmental
and natural risks we face as a region on a daily basis. Under the
South Pacific Geoscience Organization, regional work has already
begun on developing an environmental vulnerability index. Only by
encompassing social, economic and environmental factors within its
assessments, will the international community be able to achieve
equity when addressing the special circumstances and needs of
small-island developing countries. We appreciate the continuing
discussion of this matter by the Commission on Sustainable
Development, including at its most recent session, and call for
concrete action by the year 2000.
Mr. President,
In last year's General Debate, the Forum expressed renewed hopes for
the United Nations process to combat human-induced global warming,
sea-level rise and other adverse effects of global climate change. We
took a measure of pride that our group, which includes both Annex I
and developing countries, found common ground at the political level
to call for effective action, despite the widely differing
circumstances among member states. It seemed that, with the
successful negotiation of the Kyoto Protocol, the world's nations had
finally recognized the need to begin to take action, on the basis of
legally binding commitments to specified targets and timetables.
Forum members were also relieved by the recognition that small-island
developing states have particular needs for assistance with
adaptation to the effects of climate change. We welcomed the
formulation of specific tools, such as the Clean Development
Mechanism, which promise to be useful in enabling island countries to
do our part to combat climate change, within the parameters of our
own national circumstances.
There is, of course, no time to be lost. People everywhere are
experiencing the sometimes disastrous effects of climate change, from
record-setting droughts to killer floods and hurricanes, or typhoons.
The effects of sea level rise are already taking a toll on
small-island states.
Unfortunately, even as scientific evidence has become impossible to
ignore, the Convention parties have yet to go very far towards
getting the Kyoto process underway. The political will of the
governments of Treaty parties simply does not match the technical
dedication of delegates to pursue solutions at the numerous meetings
that are taking place on this subject.
After attending the Conference of the Parties last year in Buenos
Aires, I came away with the impression that without a real sense of
urgency, the Convention might choke on its own complexity, to the
delight of the minority that opposes it. Unless all countries align
themselves with the Convention's purposes and take urgent collective
action, we could all find ourselves here at the 75th General
Assembly, no closer to meaningful implementation.
Leaders then would be expressing regret over a steadily growing list
of climate-related disasters, and watching the pile-up of sandbags
along FDR Drive as the tidal surges along the East River grow
stronger. By that time, of course, most Forum Island nations would
have disappeared and we would have failed utterly. Ensuing
discussions then, on emission reductions, would be a hollow gesture.
Even though our spirits are bolstered by the encouragement of our
Annex I Forum partners, Australia and New Zealand, the fourteen Forum
small-island states grow weary of calling attention to our special
vulnerability to climate change, and to our status as being in the
frontline of potential worldwide catastrophe. I would sincerely hope
that by now a great majority of people, not only in the United
Nations system but from all across the globe, have a strong mental
picture of the helpless situation of low-lying islands and coastlines
in the face of rising seas. We are very grateful for the considerable
extent to which our pleas have been taken into account, but while we
may flatter ourselves that we have served, in a way, as a voice of
conscience for the Convention, we wish also to make positive
contributions to its implementation.
Thus, the emphasis of all Forum members now, is to assure that we do
our part to participate in, and to advance the considerable amount of
work that must be done. The South Pacific Regional Environmental
Programme continues to serve our governments as a useful focal point
and to provide valuable expertise. Forum countries have also been
active in working to understand the potential of the Clean
Development Mechanism for the region. The Republic of the Marshall
Islands recently hosted an important workshop on the Clean
Development Mechanism that was attended by more than forty countries,
and in June Australia and the Forum Secretariat hosted a workshop in
We are severely hampered, however, by the shortage of personnel and
financial resources to maintain continuous participation in the host
of ongoing activities. The United Nations and bilateral donors have
been very generous in supporting our attendance at conferences, but
the demands of time on our short-staffed officials at home and abroad
can be overwhelming, considering other growing concerns, such as
biodiversity, oceans and coral reefs.
I know that this problem is by no means unique to Forum island
countries, nor even to small-island developing countries as a group,
but for us as well as many others, we ask that these limitations not
be disregarded by larger countries and organizations in the
management of the international agenda. Once again, we express
sincere appreciation for the support of donors who have made our
participation possible.
In addition, we would emphasize the importance of applying a
coordinated approach to scheduling in order to facilitate the
participation of small delegations who would not wish to be
marginalized by the overlapping of meetings scheduled on topics of
our critical concern.
Mr. President,
Finally, for the Forum, another topic of concern at the next annual
meeting will be the continued shipment by industrialized powers of
plutonium and radioactive wastes through our region. Forum nations
have consistently expressed their concerns on this issue especially
on liability and compensation arrangements in place in the event of
an accident.
From 16 to 17 September discussions took place in Suva between the
Legal Experts of the Forum countries and the representatives of
France, Japan and the United Kingdom concerning the transshipment of
nuclear materials through the region. This meeting was arranged by
the Forum Secretariat in line with the 1998 Forum Communique. We are
encouraged by this development and strongly urge the representatives
of the three shipping states to demonstrate their readiness to
explore "innovative ways" to address the concerns of Forum members.
There is more at stake than the well-being and comfort of larger
populations of the North. Putting aside for a moment the disregard
for sovereign interests of Forum countries, the Pacific Ocean is a
vital breadbasket for the entire planet. Any accident could have
serious and adverse implications far beyond our shores, for
generations to come.
Forum countries have derived some encouragement from the decision of
France, Japan and the United Kingdom to consult with Forum members
regarding the safety and compensation arrangements for the most
recent shipment of MOX from Europe to Japan. We are further
encouraged by the decision of the three shipping states to provide
information on the shipping route of the two ships carrying MOX,
consistent with the rigorous safety and security obligations that
they have to comply with under the International Conventions
governing transport of nuclear materials, including the Convention on
Physical Protection of Nuclear Materials.
Mr. President, we, the Forum countries, earnestly hope to make some
inroads, not only in the immediate situation, but more importantly
for the long run, on the ethical conscience of the developed Nations.
Since time immemorial, they have regarded our region as a convenient
area for any kind of dangerous or undesirable activity that serves
their interests at home. With the welcome admission to this Body of
three more of our number, we are now so numerous in this forum as to
assert forcefully that we wish no further invasions placing our
people at risk, irrespective of the reasons others may have for
choosing to disregard our concerns.
Mr. President,
I have by no means touched on every topic of concern, which is to be
discussed at the next Forum meeting. Following that meeting, as I
stated earlier, the complete Communiqué will be submitted to
this Body and I commend its content to all delegations.
Mr. President,
The views I have expressed on behalf of the South Pacific Forum are,
of course, fully embraced by my country, the Federated States of
Micronesia. I would like now to address other issues speaking only
for my small-island developing state.
Since 1991, when the Federated States of Micronesia was admitted to
membership in this Body, we have experienced, from the viewpoint of a
developing country and particularly a small-island developing state,
a truly unique decade in multilateral relations. We emerged onto the
international scene just in time to become a part of the movement
that radically changed previous notions about development - the
movement known as, "the Rio Process."
The timing could not have been better for us. Just as we took up the
task of formulating our own agenda for the future of our island
nation, the world as a whole came to recognize that the issues of
environment and development are not opposed, but rather quite
intertwined. We thus incorporated into our development planning from
the outset, the mandate not just for development, but for
sustainable development. We feel fortunate in this regard, and
now, the principle of sustainability is fully integral to our daily
For, while we are deeply appreciative of the concerns that other
nations have shown for the difficulties faced by small island states
like ourselves, and while we remain anxious for the further
implementation of the Barbados Programme of Action, we realize that
the action referred to must be, first and foremost, our own. We
ourselves must be very serious not only to recognize our special
development obstacles but to institute and carry out the programs
that overcome them in a sustainable way. And this must be done, not
as a temporary, short-term or even medium-term proposition, but as a
way of life for generations to come.
No amount of outside assistance can provide sustainable
development. As small-island countries we must individually and
collectively commit ourselves to following the course once we have
seen it and possess the means to navigate it. Without that commitment
our sails will never fill and we will remain adrift on a journey that
can only come to a sad end.
Mr. President,
As a new member of the international community we have been faced
with the need to rapidly become familiar with the dynamics of
multilateral interaction within the United Nations system, while, at
the same time, trying to acquire a practical working knowledge of the
various simultaneous processes. But there is no apprenticeship here
at the United Nations.
From the outset, it has been our full responsibility to participate
on a basis of equality in the ongoing work of numerous bodies
directly integral to the United Nations, or related to it. It has
been, and continues to be, a demanding experience, but inasmuch as we
have learned about others, we are also learning more about ourselves
and moving towards greater maturity as a Nation.
We have also developed a deep appreciation for the often unheralded
but vital work of translating global problems into solutions that is
pursued faithfully by the thousands of administrative and diplomatic
members of the United Nations family. It is, in fact, difficult to
conceive a future in which the nations of our ever-shrinking planet
will not have a forum such as this one - the United Nations.
Yet, Mr. President, one cannot help but be uneasy on hearing whispers
of discouragement as the United Nations is challenged by issues that
seem to grow in number and complexity. We sometimes hear that perhaps
the Organization has outlived its usefulness, and has inadequate
capacity to deal with global crises in security, social justice and
development. Some are said to feel that other, more sharply focused
bodies would be better suited to deal with the anticipated crises of
the new Millenium.
Without question, the effective responsiveness of this Organization
is constantly challenged. But this is not a sign of failure, nor of a
lack of capacity. Neither does it suggest that we need another
instrument. It is, rather, an indication of the growing
inter-connectedness of the global community - of the growing
inclination among nations to find and recognize their common
interests and to work together in the advancement of global peace and
In order to maintain and improve the responsiveness of the United
Nations in a world of increasing demands and challenges, it is
necessary that we continually evolve and adapt effectively in our
pursuit of the Charter of the Organization. Only in this way can we
keep the Organization on a positive course, and faithfully translate
the mandates of the Charter into terms of continuing relevance. This
is the attitude with which we must approach reform. It is not a
consequence of inadequacy, which the word, "reform" may suggest, but
rather it is a positive and evolutionary process.
This is easily said, but, as we all know, it is very difficult to put
into practice. Even so, Mr. President, we must not allow that high
degree of difficulty to plunge us into frustration and defeat. The
great achievements of those who have come before us in the last
fifty-three years must be honored by our unshakable determination to
take the United Nations seriously into the next millenium as the
single most effective multilateral instrument for the betterment of
Mr. President,
If the United Nations is to maintain and even improve its capacity to
deal with the great issues and improve the lot of disadvantaged
peoples, I respectfully suggest that there is a need for broader
incorporation of developing countries in the decision-making process.
More and more, it seems, a relatively small group of developed
countries are seen in the front lines here and in other related
international bodies. There is a perception that despite the formal
application of the rules, the substantive participation of developing
countries in dealing with world problems is in reality, waning rather
than increasing. This does not bode well for the future of
international relations. As the trend toward globalization continues
to strengthen, this body as a whole will need to be more involved in
making important decisions - not a Perm-5, not a G-7, but a G-188.
Probably the single most urgently needed reform is the enlargement of
the Security Council. Naturally, such an important step must not be
taken in haste, but by this time we should be closer to finding an
acceptable formulation. The plain fact is that, the openness of the
most powerful nations to accept rational and realistic change in the
Security Council is a key indicator of the future of global
multilateral relations in general, and of this Organization in
particular. The impact of success with this issue would be felt in
positive ways throughout the United Nations Organization, and it
would stimulate renewed confidence in the Charter. That result alone
is badly needed, and should itself inspire greater effort to overcome
the difficult obstacles.
It would be unrealistic to ignore the inevitability that larger, more
powerful nations will most often take the lead in the United Nations
-in fact, they should do so as a matter of responsibility. They
possess the resources and the capacity. However, leadership should
not become domination, and it should not leave the developing world
marginalized. Thus, I emphasize the need for a restructured Security
Council. I also visualize a General Assembly that remains in the
forefront of global decision-making, for real outcomes on real
Mr. President,
Being from a Pacific island nation, I naturally have particular
concerns about our region. Without demeaning in any way the
considerable attention that we do receive, I must say that the
Pacific islands region often takes a rear seat in the councils of the
greater powers who are prone to include only the Pacific rim
countries among their primary concerns. This can be understood, given
our small populations and land masses, which only underscore our
remoteness in the vast Pacific Ocean.
But it should not be forgotten that we Pacific Islanders are
custodians of some of the world's greatest untapped wealth. In the
coming millenium, our region is certain to play a greater role than
ever before in meeting the needs of the rest of the world for food,
and mineral resources. If these resources are to be conserved in the
proper way and harvested in a sustainable manner, the peoples of the
Pacific islands must be dealt with fairly, and on a basis of
partnership with the developed world. And the time to start is now.
The growing global involvement with, and reliance upon the tremendous
resource base that resides in our region, must rest on a foundation
of regional security. Nowhere is there a better example of the need
for comprehensive security in the modern sense, which extends beyond
military considerations, and also includes economic, social, and
environmental security.
Mr. President,
This leads me to the present need for proper stewardship of the
oceans and seas throughout the world. This subject was recently
discussed in depth by the Commission on Sustainable Development, and
is on our agenda in this session. I want to emphasize that the
Federated States of Micronesia solidly supports the positions
expressed by the Alliance of Small Island States (AOSIS) on this
subject. We believe that oceans and seas present a special and even
crucial case for international cooperation and coordination, and that
the General Assembly is the appropriate body to provide this
oversight. Indeed, it was mandated to do so by Agenda 21.
Furthermore, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
provides the framework for action in this area. We thus have existing
structures without the need to create new institutions. We believe
that the size of the task will require continuing effort on an annual
basis, so that an ongoing working group format within the context of
preparations for each annual General Assembly will be more rewarding
than a large, one-time conference. Above all, the process must seek
the widest possible input, drawing upon expertise at the regional
level, and ensuring and assisting participation from developing
countries, especially small-island developing states.
Mr. President,
In these brief moments it is not possible to express all our views on
all matters we deem important. Thus, by necessity, I must leave much
to the work of our delegates in the committees here, and in the work
of other UN organs throughout the year.
I wish, however, to plead to this Body for a universal awakening to
the single most important reality of our lives today. This reality is
that all our interests become more closely linked with each passing
generation. We are all responsible to turn back the consequences of
our past selfish behavior. The destruction of war, improper
stewardship of our natural resources and the pollution of our living
space are looming global disasters. Combined they will overwhelm the
Earth's population unless we find common ground and take action.
That common ground exists. It exists here. It does not ask us to
surrender our nationhood or our cultures. It is the Charter of the
United Nations - a visionary document that has guided our troubled
world through the faltering steps of increasing multilateral
awareness, and today provides a format for our very survival. God
grant that we will have the political will to sustain it.
Thank you, Mr. President.