Statement by
Mr. Jeem S. Lippwe
Permanent Mission of the
Federated States of Micronesia to the
United Nations
Before the 59th United Nations General Assembly
on Agenda Item 53: Question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters
New York, 12 October 2004
Check Against Delivery
Mr. President,
I wish to make a brief remark on Agenda item 53. The brevity of my statement is not intended to minimize the importance of the issue before us today, or my delegation's appreciation of this important and daunting task facing our organization. Rather, it is in recognition of the fact that the time has come for us all to "roll up our sleeves" and set out to conclude the important work before us.
Mr. President,
Today we find ourselves, yet again, discussing the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council. While the topic has been on the agenda for years now, the lack of progress has been a concern to my delegation.
Today, again, the delegation of Micronesia joined with many other members of this body in calling for attention to be given to the reform of the United Nations. We need a strong and effective United Nations - a United Nations that is able to better respond effectively to the challenges of a new era.
First and foremost, we call on all the members of this organization to give fresh consideration to reform the Security Council to better reflect present day realities. We note the increased and expanded scope of the role of the Security Council in the promotion of international peace and security. Such expanded role must be fulfilled with maximum cooperation and participation of the international community. To meet emerging challenges, we see the necessity for Security Council reforms and the need to expand - a Security Council that is truly representative, both in the permanent and non-permanent categories. A more balanced and representative Security Council would lend greater international acceptance to the work of the Council and meet the expectation of people around the globe. At the same time, it should not grow so big as to hamper its effectiveness. The developing world, finding itself marginalized in the current set up of the Council, has to hold an equitable number of seats.
Particular consideration must be given to Japan, one of the largest contributors to the UN's budget, and a major participant in UN peacekeeping. Japan has consistently committed substantial resources towards our Organization and towards the maintenance of global peace and security. Any reform of the Security Council would be incomplete without Japan's becoming a permanent member. My delegation also believes that Germany, and India deserve inclusion as permanent members on a reformed Council.
Finally, Mr. President, while the reforms of our Organization are being discussed by members of this august body, my delegation believes that attention must also be given to some obsolete provisions of our UN Charter. The time has come that the "enemy state" clauses in the UN Charter are removed.
It is my delegation's hope that decades of pronouncements will now be translated into action. We are encouraged that the High Level Panel appointed by the Secretary-General on Peace and Security will begin to come forward with concrete and practical recommendations to make our United Nations more responsive to global realties. Micronesia looks forward to that report, and is ready to do it part to as a responsible member of this Organization.
I thank you Mr. President.