Statement By
H.E. Jane J. Chigiyal
Permanent Representative of the
Federated States of Micronesia to the UN
Before the 66th UNGA
Informal meeting of the plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council
New York, 13 March 2012
Check Against Delivery
Thank you Chair,
I am pleased to associate my delegation with the statement from the L.69 Group delivered by the distinguished representative of Jamaica, His Excellency Raymond Wolf.
Mr. Chair,
After many years of discussing the issue of Security Council reform, individually or collectively as a member of the Pacific Small Island States and the L.69 Group, the position of the Federated States of Micronesia is well known. It is no different then when we first pronounced ourselves on the issue years ago than they are now.
We still believe in reforming the Security Council so that it can best respond to the changing times. To achieve this, it means the Council must expand in both of its membership categories. It means new non-permanent and permanent members representing regions of the world that have been neglected for decades. It means permanent membership for countries with dedicated contributions in terms of financial and troop contributions to this august Organization. The list is by no means exhaustive, but the objective, Mr. Chair, is to ensure that the Security Council is reflective of the contemporary geopolitical realities and broadly representative of its members.
Mr. Chair,
Increase in membership alone is not enough. We must go beyond the membership issue and also reform the working methods of the Council. They must be improved to be transparent while at the same time enhancing and improving the relationship between the Security Council and the General Assembly.
Mr. Chair,
We are convinced that these principles are reflective of the positions of a large majority of the UN membership. The intergovernmental negotiations must therefore focus on these points of convergence.
I thank Mr. Chair.