Statement by
Mr. Jeem Lippwe
Charge d'Affaires a.i.
FSM Permanent Mission to the UN
68th United Nations General Assembly
Agenda items 29 and 123: Question of Equitable representation on an increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters
New York, 7 November 2013
Check Against Delivery
Mr. President,
The Federated States of Micronesia welcomes this opportunity to participate in this debate on this agenda item: Question of equitable representation on an increase in the membership of the Security Council and related matters. This is not the first time that Micronesia has pronounced itself on this very important issue, so our position is well known.
Let me, at the outset, Mr. President put on record my delegation's gratitude to your stewardship and commitment to this very difficult task of reforming the Security Council. In this context, we warmly welcome the establishment of an Advisory Group initiated by your Office, and embrace your decision to reappoint H.E. Ambassador Tanin to continue the task that he had started as Chairperson of the intergovernmental negotiation (IGN).
Also, Micronesia associate itself with the statement made on behalf of the L.69 Group by the distinguished representative of St. Kitts and Nevis, and the statement to be delivered later by the distinguished representative of Papua New Guinea on behalf of the Pacific Small Islands Developing States (PSIDS).
Mr. President,
At the World Summit in 2005, our Heads of States and Governments agreed to an early reform of the United Nations Security Council. Almost ten years later, it is regrettable that very little in terms of the reform has been done.
My delegation is very much aware that fatigue and frustrations may set in, as there have not been many visible or tangible results after so many years of ongoing discussions within this Organization to reform the Security Council. But, we cannot let that derail our efforts. We must stay the course and remain committed. Fortune favors persistence. Even the hardest rock will melt by persistent droplets of water.
So, Mr. President, my delegation strongly believes and supports the specific suggestions that you have put forward which will jumpstart the intergovernmental negotiations in earnest. It is high time that the intergovernmental negotiations process move forward on the basis of a text based negotiation. We welcome your initiative for the Advisory Group to provide inputs reflecting the ideas put forward in the negotiations on whose basis the IGN can commence. Given the overwhelming support by member states for an early reform and expansion in the Security Council in both the existing permanent and non-permanent categories, this should be included in the draft text as a key parameter in the negotiation process.
Mr. President,
Global realities make it imperative that we must reform the Security Council. Close to a decade after the World Summit of 2005 where this Assembly was mandated to deliver on the reform of the Security Council, that goal has been elusive. The opportunity presented to us by Your Excellency provides a unique opportunity to re-focus our attention, and to encourage even stronger commitment by member states. With the 70th Anniversary of the United Nations and the 10th year Anniversary of the World Summit looming in 2015, is time to bring these intergovernmental negotiations to a decisive and successful end by their anniversary year.
Mr. President,
In conclusion, it goes without saying that membership in a reformed Security Council, particularly in the permanent category, must include those Brazil, Germany, India, and Japan. The African continent must also be represented.
I thank you.