Address by
Mr. Henry Susaia
Member of Delegation of the
Federated States of Micronesia
Before the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting of the
15th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development
on Climate Change
New York, 28 February 2007
Check Against Delivery
Mr. Chairman,
First I would like to align myself with the statements held by Pakistan on behalf of G77 and China, Cape Verde on behalf of AOSIS and by PNG on behalf of the Pacific SIDS.
My country is comprised of over six hundred small islands, most of which are low-lying atolls which are among the first to be threatened by climate change. Increases in the frequency of tropical storms and rising sea levels are facts and are already experienced in my islands.
Obviously development can not be sustainable if it is permanently threatened by the adverse affects of climate change. Our islands need to adapt but we do not have the resources to do it by ourselves, we need the help of our development partners, both bilaterally and multilaterally. The "Nairobi work program on impacts, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change" has to be implemented as a matter of urgency to have real adaptation projects on the ground.
Mr. Chairman,
Adaptation is not enough, it has to be complemented by mitigation and by a significant reduction in emissions. Both developed and developing countries have to live up to their responsibilities. In this regard we welcome such voluntary reductions in emissions as the 20% cut recently announced by the EU. We strongly urge other groups and countries to undertake similar, if not better, commitments. Protecting the environment is a prerequisite to development, not an obstacle.
I thank you, Mr. Chairman.