Address by
Mr. Jeem Lippwe
Deputy Permanent Representative of the
Federated States of Micronesia to the UN
Before the Intergovernmental Preparatory Meeting of the
15th Session of the Commission on Sustainable Development
on Inter-linkages and cross-cutting Issues
New York, 1 March 2007
Check Against Delivery
Mr. Chairman,
First of all I would like to thank the distinguished panelists for their presentations and align myself with the statement made by Pakistan on behalf of the Group of 77 and China.
Mr. Chairman, the SG Report on this agenda item has identified a wide-ranging number of possible policy options and practical measures. The Matrix lists practical measures that have already been implemented. While there are projects that may include SIDS in general, there are very few SIDS national projects seen on the Matrix. This, again, points to the lack of financial and technical capacity of SIDS.
Recognizing that there are developing countries, like many SIDS, that have difficulty in attracting FDIs, the SG Report recommends a policy that such countries could be given ODA on an expedited basis. Perhaps some donors are already engaged, but we hope to have this policy adopted as common practice.
The Report also recommends that capacity building programs be built into projects, whether funded by government, ODA, IFIs, or the private sector. This policy should become common practice.
Mr. Chairman, I recall that SIDS were asked to provide specific projects. My country submitted quite a number but none were picked up, apparently they were not good enough to merit proper attention.
We further support the proposals to review and follow up energy for sustainable development in CSD sessions 2010/2011 and 2014/2015 and to establish a 'basket of voluntary commitments' as an action oriented, non-negotiated outcome of CSD 15.
Finally, in order to help the most vulnerable population of my country, the most economically disadvantaged and most affected by climate change - I am referring to the people who live on the atoll islands of Micronesia - my government hopes to propose specific programs or projects for consideration by interested parties to address the issues under the thematic clusters of CSD 15, including access to potable water and good sanitation for those people. We are inviting our bilateral and multilateral development partners to assist us in our efforts.
Thank you.