![]() Congress News Day 11: Thursday, February 14thPALIKIR, Pohnpei (FSM Congress): February 14, 2008 - The 15th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia convened this morning for Day 11 of its Third Regular Session and passed several legislative measures for action by the Executive Branch. Congress adopted the following Congressional Bills (CB) on Second Reading for transmittal to the Executive Branch: CB.15-88, is a bill to appropriate $342,000 towards funding of public projects in the State of Pohnpei. Accordingly, the projects would be apportioned as follows: Kapingamarangi Airport - $200,000; Upper Ipwal to Upper Roie Road - $100,000; and Kolonia Town Court House - $42,000. The Committee on Ways and Means noted in their report that the funding was originally appropriated during the 7th Congress for the Kapingamarangi airport, but after 13 years of indecisiveness by the intended recipient, the funding was returned to the national general fund. CB 15-79, is a bill to appropriate $366,255 towards the purpose of funding the Chuuk State Government financial reform. Accordingly, the funding is so divided - $150,000 towards the Chuuk Public Utility Corporation and the remaining $216,255 towards the Chuuk State Health Care Plan. CB 15-56, is a bill to prevent the revocation or denial of spouse permits from non-citizen widows or widowers who have been married to an FSM citizen for at least 20 years. The Bill notes that it applies to those married for at least 20 years, "regardless of place of residence during marriage, shall not be revoked or denied unless the surviving spouse remarries a non-citizen." In addition to the Bills that passed Second Reading, Congress today passed two bills on First Reading: CB 15-30, the bill proposed to exempt the US federally funded employees of the national government from the national Public Service System Act; and CB 15-94, a bill to proposed to appropriate $3.5 million from the General Fund towards public projects and social programs in the four States. Congress deferred CB no.15-73 to Monday February 18, the bill to establish a limit of two terms for board members of the National Oceanic Resources Management Authority. Another measure deferred for action on Monday is Congressional Resolution 15-83, for the nomination of Midion G. Neth to the position of Postmaster General. Upon introduction this morning, the matter was defeated in a vote of 8 to 4. It was then placed and adopted for reconsideration and then deferred to Monday for action. Following the deferred measures, Speaker Isaac V. Figir declared Congress recessed until Monday to allow enough time for the Congressional Committees to hold their public hearings. |