![]() Grants available from the Framework for the Prevention and Control of Non-communicable Diseases - FSM Department of Health and Social AffairsPalikir, Pohnpei (FSM Information Services): April 9, 2010 - The FSM Department of Health & Social Affairs' Non-communicable Diseases (NDC) & Lifestyle Unit has announced the offering of a Country Grants Scheme. The purpose of the FSM NCD Framework is to assist FSM States, Islands, and communities to improve the health of their populations by establishing sustainable initiatives to combat NCDs and associated risk factors in their populations. A key strategy within the NCD Framework is the support of NCD activities at the State level. The FSM NCD & Lifestyle Section, Country Grants Scheme, focuses on NCD prevention and control at the community level, targeting small projects with direct benefits to the communities and the health and well-being of the local population, specifically relating to NCDs. The Country Grant Scheme aims to support projects focusing on prevention and control of NCDs through the promotion of healthy lifestyles. The focus of the Country Grant Scheme will be on the following areas:
Key NCD target activities include:
Eligible applicants must be a government body or a recognized non-government organization (NGO) within the FSM. The maximum number of grants that any state can receive will depend on the amount of money available per year and the number of grants submitted that meet the requirements. Agencies may apply for grants up to $10,000 per proposal. It is estimated that most grants will be around $5,000. Depending on initial impacts, proposals for multiyear funding (after year one),may be considered from agencies to extend interventions. Proposals will be first screened and reviewed by the state NCD program and forwarded to the FSM 2-1-22 Project Officer and the FSM NCD & Lifestyle Program Coordinator with recommendations in sequence from the first to the last. Applications will be prioritized based on set criteria. A summary of the country grants awarded in any given year will be presented to the Assistant Secretary for Health and the Secretary of the Department of Health and Social Affairs. To apply for a grant, applicants must first discuss proposals with the state NCD or Diabetes coordinator and/or Health Department and then discuss the proposal with the FSM NCD & Healthy Lifestyle Section prior to submission. Next, complete the Application Form and submit it to the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs through the NCD & Lifestyle Program Manager (listed below). If the application is from an NGO, they must demonstrate written support from the relevant state government or the NCD Committee. Application submission dates will be announced at least six weeks before the scheduled closing date. Applicants will be notified of the outcome within four weeks of submission. For more information, please contact the NCD & Lifestyle Unit at the Department of Health and Social Affair, FSM National Government. A copy of the Application form can be downloaded from the following link: http://www.fsmpio.fm/applications/NCD_Grant_Application_2010.pdf Proposals should be faxed or emailed to: