![]() New Congress submits 37 Bills and Resolutions to PresidentPalikir, POHNPEI (FSM Information Service): June 3, 2005 - The First Regular Session of the 14th Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia adjourned with 21 Bills and 16 Resolutions transmitted to the Executive Branch. President Joseph J. Urusemal is currently reviewing the Congressional Bills for appropriate actions. The Bills under considerations are: 1. C.B No. 14: 8: An appropriation for renovation of the FSM Washington Embassy ($200K) and FSM Suva Embassy ($22K). 2. C.B No. 14-20: Amendment to reduce funds previously provided for hot lunch program in Pattiw Junior High School by $5,000 and to use the $5,000 to cover costs associated to the assembly of a desalination facility. 3. C.B No. 14-21: Amendment to delete, reduce and increase amounts in various public projects for Lele, Pohnpei State. 4. C.B No. 14-22: Amendment to designate balance of funds from the share of at-large member for public project in Chuuk in Public Law 8-100 to be used for education purposes. This amount is $15,856. 5. C.B No. 14-24: Amendment to title 40 of the FSM Code to define Free Appropriate Public Education for purpose of eligibility criteria under US Disability Act. 6. C.B No. 14-25: Amendment to Public Law 9-052 to appropriate balance of $200,000 in the amount of $14,670 to be used for road paving of Pahn Pein Mwomw, Pohnpei State. 7. C.B No. 14-26: Amendment to designate balance of copra warehouse project funds to be used for FEMA mitigation project matching fund and Fadari concrete taro patches. 8. C.B No. 14-29: Amendment to prevent lapsing of funds designated for scholarship for Yap students in Public Law 13-81. 9. C.B No. 14-33: Amendment to specify use of copra subsides for Yap State to be used for copra virgin oil and other copra development. Also funds previously designated for Yap Delegation Office and disaster relief are further designated for new uses. The Governor of Yap State is designated as allottee of these funds. 10. C.B No. 14-35: Amendment to previously appropriated funds for public projects in Yap to change the use of funds from solar energy in Satawal, Ifalik and Fais projects to FEMA mitigation matching funds and from cultural programs to Fadari concrete taro patches. 11. C.B No. 14-38: Amendment to designate left over funds in the amount of $910 to be used for transportation and fuel for Northwest region of Chuuk State. 12. C.B No. 14-39: Amendment to re-appropriate funds for dock facility in Faichuk by designating $25,000 to be used for disaster relief. The amendment also appropriated $798, an amount taken from all fund balance of all projects in Public Law 11-59 for Southern Namoneas and designated it for medical supplies. 13. C.B No. 14-41: Amendment to Public Law 11-27 to change the use of appropriated but unspent funds in Southern Namoneas in the amount of $10,000 and $1,793 for Siis Municipal operation and medical supplies respectively, and in the Northwest $39,677 for the purchase of communication equipment. 14. C.B No. 14-42: Amendment to Public Law 7-35, as amended, to appropriate remaining balance of funds from all projects for Southern Namoneas in the amount of $595,000 to be broken down as follows: Tonoas, Uman, Fefen, Tsis and Parem economic and social projects, Totiw public projects and other municipal needs - $583,683; medical supplies - $11,317. 15. C.B No. 14-43: Amendment to Public Law 8-75, as amended, to appropriate the balance from all public projects for Southern Namoneas to be used for student assistance grant- $21,862; Parem Municipal operation subsidy - $4,000; medical supplies - $4,990. 16. C.B No. 14-44: Amendment to Public Law 8-115, as amended, to appropriate the balance of all projects for Southern Namoneas in the amount of $20,345 to be used for medical supplies. 17. C.B No. 14-45: Amendment to Public Law 12-10 to appropriate the balance of all projects for Namoneas in the amount of $518 to be used medical supplies. 18. C.B No. 14-46: Amendment to Public Law 14-120, as amended, to appropriate the balance of funds for public projects in Northwest region in the amount of $39,677 to be used for food relief assistance. 19. C.B No. 14-47: Amendment to Public Law 9-052, as amended, to appropriate the balance of all projects in the Northwest region in the amount of $10,773 to be used for food relief assistance. 20. C.B No. 14-48: Amendment to Public Law 12-12, as amended, to appropriate the balance of all project funds in the Southern Namoneas region in the amount of $1,159 to be used for the purchase of medical supplies And the final Bill adopted by the First Regular Session of the 14th FSM Congress is, C.B No. 14-51: Supplemental Budget request for fiscal year 2005 in the amount of $1,150,000. This amount is according to the following breakdown: $250,000 for the FSM Trust Fund; $750,000 for the PMU; $60,000 to fuel the Patrol Boats; $50,000 for fuel of the MS Caroline Voyager; $20,000 for Congressional Travel and $20,000 for Representation Fund for the newest members of the FSM Congress. Along with the Congressional Bills are the adopted Resolutions which included: 1. A resolution appointing Mr. Bradley D. Stam to the position of Legislative Counsel to the Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia (C.R No. 14-1). 2. A resolution approving a technical grant from the U.S Department of Interior to conduct an evaluation of overseas medical referral program (C.R. No. 14-2). 3. A resolution congratulating Leo Falcam Jr. on his installation as the Commanding Officer of the U.S Marine Corps Air Station in Japan (C.R. No.14-3). 4. A resolution supporting a special session of the FSM Congress to be held in the State of Kosrae (C.R. No. 14-4). 5. A resolution confirming the nomination of Jack Yakana to serve on the FSM Social Security Board of Directors (C.R. No. 14-7). 6. A resolution confirming the nomination of Nahoy Selifis to serve on the FSM Social Security Board of Directors (C.R. No. 14-8). 7. A resolution confirming the nomination of Mr. Nick Andon to be a member of the Compact Management Board (C.R. No. 14-9). 8. A resolution confirming the nomination of Mr. Sebastian Anefal to be a member of the Compact Management Board (C.R. No. 14-10). 9. A resolution confirming the nomination of Mr. Epel Ilon to be the Head of the Office of Compact Management (C.R No. 14-11). 10. A resolution confirming the nomination of Marstella E. Jack to be the Secretary of the Department of Justice (C.R. No. 14-12). 11. A resolution confirming the nomination of Mr. Akilino Susaia to be the Secretary of the Department of Economic Affairs (C.R. No. 14-13). 12. A resolution approving a Chinese grant for purchasing of vehicles for the Department of Foreign Affairs (C.R. No. 14-14). 13. A resolution setting the budget ceiling for FY 05(C.R. No. 14-15). 14. A resolution approving the Strategic Development Plan (C.R. No. 14-16). 15. A resolution confirming the nomination of Mr. Andrew Yatilman to the position of Secretary for the Department of Transportation, Communication and Infrastructures (C.R. No. 14-17). 16. A resolution shortening the First Regular Session of the Fourteen FSM Congress (C.R. No. 14-18). These Bills and Resolutions becomes the first legislative measures adopted by the 14th FSM Congress. |